benxi municipal government and green valley signed a strategic cooperation agreement-wepoker官网

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benxi municipal government and green valley signed a strategic cooperation agreement

on april 17, 2015, a team of government leaders, led by gao hongbin, mayor of benxi city, inspected the green valley pharmaceutical company, and signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the company management. mayor gao, yu hai, municipal deputy cadre member, luan kuijie, li naitao, director and deputy director of the administrative commission of benxi high-tech industrial development zone, lv songtao, chairman of the board at green valley group, ding jian, an academician and director of the green valley research institute, and professor geng meiyu, party secretary and deputy director at the shanghai institute of materia medica, chinese academy of sciences, attended the signing ceremony.


photo: the signing ceremony

the visitors went to the green valley research institute to hear work reports on the innovative projects presented by lv songtao and jiang lei, deputy director of green valley research institute.


photo: the inspection team visited the green valley research institute under the leadership of mayor gao hongbin.

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